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Non-Profit online courses: Grant Writing

Grant Writing 101

Grant Writing 101

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: “Grant writing… ugh.” Sound familiar? For many non-profit volunteers and staff, grant writing can seem like a time-consuming task in creating writing with the payoff being luck of the draw. The truth is, with steep competition for limited grant dollars, a well-written grant is only part of the success formula. This video series covers core proposal and grant writing skills, how to avoid common pitfalls, understanding what funders look for, and tips on how to maintain good relationships with your funders.

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Non-Profit online courses: Board Training

Alberta's non-profit legal landscape

Alberta’s non-profit legal landscape

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: This course discusses Alberta’s non-profit legal landscape, the legal obligations that non-profits must comply with in Alberta, and the relationship between legal documents for incorporated non-profit organizations. We will also discuss these areas with an expert and get their ideas on what they mean for non-profits and their board members.

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Non-Profit online courses: Board Development

Qualities and Skills of a good board member

Qualities and Skills of a good board member

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: Board members are responsible for the governance and stewardship of their organization. To perform their duties, it is critical for board members to know their responsibilities and have certain qualities and skills that help them fulfill their responsibilities and effectively accomplish the organization’s work. 

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Non-Profit online courses: Board Development

The Nine Principles of Good Governance

The Nine Principles of Good Governance

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: It matters how board members approach their roles and responsibilities. It influences how the organization is perceived by its members, stakeholders, and the broader community. The 9 principles of good governance help ensure that the board conducts itself and approaches its work in a fair and responsible manner, and that the board has good oversight and is carrying out is fiduciary duty to the organization. 

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Non-Profit online courses: Board Development

The Roles and Responsibilities of the board

The Roles and Responsibilities of the Board

Date: on-going
Time: multiple
Location: online
Cost: FREE

Description: This course discusses the four key roles and seven responsibilities of the board. We also interview an expert in the field to discuss some of the most common questions that they encounter in their work with non-profit organizations.